Monday, February 21, 2011


I am not a morning person. I never have been. My children have always been early birds and I fought it, tried to drag them back into bed with me, wrangling and wrestling them in, securely wrapped in my arms. I was able to sometimes force sleep on Erin that way for a while, but by the time Christopher and Meghan came along, it was too much of a juggling act to try and keep everyone in bed until 7 am. My husband didn't help things by getting up with them at 5:00 if they seemed up for the day. A total enabler. But I couldn't really argue since I was getting those extra few minutes in bed. But on the mornings that he was travelling, or golfing or worked overnight shifts with the Coast Guard I was a slave to their early morning habits. I hated it. I can honestly say that those early mornings even more than the sleepless nights is the number one reason that we have three rather than four children.

And I am a complete failure at breakfast. Well, that's not completely true. If breakfast happened at a reasonable hour I would be fantastic. I love breakfast. But banging around the kitchen before daylight has made us huge Eggo waffle consumers.They are wholesome, portable, and delicious. And best of all they can be eaten on the couch. Or a cup of dry Honey Nut Cheerios. I feel guilty sometimes thinking about how my kids will look back and roll their eyes about my morning persona. It makes me feel lazy. I run circles around these kids the other 14 hours a day, but that first hour belongs to Dad.

Erin had her first sleepover last night. I had a tv sitcom vision (or a pre-emtpive sepia moment) picturing this morning. Should I make pancakes? Be that mom? Fortunately her friend slept in until 8 o'clock.. I was off the hook. Waffles it is.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny that the screwed up clock on blogspot makes it look like you wrote this at 5:40am. And I think we all know that's not true. :)
