After finding and posting a photo of the Griswold Inn, which is where Tom and I spent our wedding night, I got to thinking how I didn't have any photos of it, or of The Lighthouse Inn in New London, CT, where we had our rehearsal dinner and I spent my last night as a singleton. It's a beautiful inn on Long Island Sound, and it was picture perfect for where I envisioned my wedding montage to begin. There is a long sweeping staircase at the entrance, perfect for pictures and Victorian kitch ad nauseum everywhere. I had to stay in the bridal suite. (alone, mind you) Here is a picture..
It's featured on the website, as it is the most grandiose and expensive room in the inn. It fit in perfectly with my "uptight newlywed phase" that I was in. Wedding obsessed. Registry obsessed. Like a kid in a candy store. Only a grown-up candy store filled with blue and yellow country checked and floral patterns.
I had the night of the rehearsal dinner choreographed (in my crazy bride brain) to every detail. I was wearing a blue silk shift from Ann Taylor (something blue) and reeeeeally high heels. (i don't wear heels - like, everrrr) We were in a rush to get to the church, and I shoved my feet in the shoes and quickly followed Tom down the stairs. Well, one shoe caught the other and..... wait for it....wait for it..... yup. I tumbled down the entire sweeping Scarlett O'Hara staircase. The last thing I heard while rolling feet over head was my sister saying "note to self..." (the bridesmaids were wearing the same shoes the next day). Needless to say, no pictures exist in my possession of the guilty party. Oh, and my dress ripped, right up the back. And I was crying hysterically and was starting to sweat, so my straightened hair was starting to curl and frizz. We pulled up to the church and my friend Megan (good in a crisis) grabbed my honeymoon bag, found me a little black dress and set to work on me with someone else's makeup bag, and doctored me up in the basement of the chapel. Everything else, thank god, went as expected, less my bloody knees from the fall, and the wedding went off without a hitch. What is it they say, bad rehearsal, good performance, or something like that?
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