Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tooth Fairy

The tooth fairy came for Meg for the first time last night. Meghan wrote her a cute note and left the tooth in a little blue Tiffany jewelry box. I was excited to see how excited she would be when she woke up this morning. Instead, this is what I heard at 6:08 am. "THE TOOTH FAIRY DIDN'T COME LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!" I went running in to help her look. "SHE DIDN'T EVEN TAKE MY NOTE, SHE JUST BENT IT!!!!" I helped her locate the cursory $2 and looked at the note, showing her that the fairy had written her a tiny little note on the back. "I DON'T EVEN BELIEVE IN THE TOOTH FAIRY!!! I WANT MY TOOTH BACK!!"
Hmmmmmm. How did my skeptical daughter get to this place? Oh that's right. She needs to go to bed earlier. She's killing me. Mad at the tooth fairy. Mad at everyone. I said to Tom, how does she not believe? Where did this come from? He said, "I think she believes in the tooth fairy. She's just mad at her."
Starting the day as such is usually an indicator for how the rest of the day will play out. I'll keep you posted.

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